Perplexity logoPerplexity

An MCP server implementation that integrates the Sonar API to provide Claude with unparalleled real-time, web-wide research.

Updated 5 days ago
Go to documentation
npx @mintlify/mcp add perplexity --client claude


Step 1:

Clone this repository:

git clone

Navigate to the perplexity-ask directory and install the necessary dependencies:

cd modelcontextprotocol/perplexity-ask && npm install

Step 2: Get a Sonar API Key

  1. Sign up for a Sonar API account.
  2. Follow the account setup instructions and generate your API key from the developer dashboard.
  3. Set the API key in your environment as PERPLEXITY_API_KEY.

Step 3: Configure Claude Desktop

  1. Download Claude desktop here.

  2. Add this to your claude_desktop_config.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "perplexity-ask": {
      "command": "docker",
      "args": [
      "env": {


  "mcpServers": {
    "perplexity-ask": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": [
      "env": {

You can access the file using:

vim ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

Step 4: Build the Docker Image

Docker build:

docker build -t mcp/perplexity-ask:latest -f perplexity-ask/Dockerfile .

Step 5: Testing

Let's make sure Claude for Desktop is picking up the two tools we've exposed in our perplexity-ask server. You can do this by looking for the hammer icon:

Claude Visual Tools

After clicking on the hammer icon, you should see the tools that come with the Filesystem MCP Server:

Available Integration

If you see both of these this means that the integration is active. Congratulations! This means Claude can now ask Perplexity. You can then simply use it as you would use the Perplexity web app.

Step 6: Advanced parameters

Currently, the search parameters used are the default ones. You can modify any search parameter in the API call directly in the index.ts script. For this, please refer to the official API documentation.

Available tools


Engage in a conversation with the Sonar API for live web searches.